Arcadia Street Department Crew: L-R Mark Baker, Joe Meinerz, Glen Pronschinske, Dale Anderson, Rollie Conrad |
Household Garbage Pickup
Garbage pickup is on Thursday mornings. All household garbage must be in City of Arcadia garbage bags. Bags may be purchased at City Hall, Express Mart, Kwik Trip and Randy's Neighborhood Market.
Orange (large) - $12.00 pack/5
Red (small) - $7.00 pack/5 (available at City Hall, Randy's, Kwik Trip & Express Mart)
Wisconsin households and K-12 public schools can recycle electronics under E-Cycle Wisconsin. To learn more about it click on the
E-Cycle link.
Recycling Brochure
Dumpster Rental
Dumpster can be rented from the City of Arcadia for $25.00 per load. Dumpsters will be picked up 1 week from the date of delivery unless you have paid for another week at City Hall. All dumpsters must be pre-paid at City Hall. NO ELECTRONICS, WOOD, IRON, COMPOST, CARPETING OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS can be place in the dumpster.
Report a Problem
To report any issues such as downed trees, dead animals, burned out street lights, click here.